Defibrillator Dubai

Life-Point Pro AED automatic defibrillator is easy-to-use thanks to its three-step audio and visual guidance. It is always ready to use thanks to its self-test function. Pro AED defibrillator is provided as a compact device with all its accessories in a carrier bag which is provided as a small, light and standard accessory. Inside this carrier bag, there is a small first aid kit available so that you don’t need any other auxiliary material. Life Point Pro AED defibrillator is easy to carry with its only 1,9 kg weight. With metronome sound assistance for CPR, it coaches to CPR and thus it enables a more effective CPR (for cardiac massage). It has software which makes automatic configuration for use on child patients from the moment when pediatric pads are installed through its automatic pediatric pads recognition function. Pro AED defibrillator stores patient rescue data on its memory and data recorded at the moment of rescue can be inspected at any time. In line with variable directive, it’s software is remotely updateable. It has clear, understandable audible commands with adjustable sound volume. With optional wall – mounting kit and wall cabinet accessories, it is suitable for use in any environment. It offers excellent quality with cost-efficient spare parts and accessories and 8 year warranty against manufacturing defects. As we are medical equipments suppliers in dubai UAE and the agent for LifePoint defibrillator dubai in UAE, we supply and install our automated external defibrillator in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah in United Arab Emirates - UAE, we have a huge reference for Life-Point defibrillator customer in U.A.E and in the whole region. please contact us now for the best Defibrillator price in Dubai in UAE. we have trained engineers for installation and for full training and education the buyer.
How an External Defibrillator Works?
As already discussed, the heart is a very important organ. When the heart gets worn out from age or is damaged for some other reason, it becomes susceptible to failure. This failure is usually called a “heart attack.” What happens during a heart attack is that a blockage of the vessels of the heart or a failure of heart muscle to contract leads to the signal sent to the heart telling it to beat is disrupted. This disruption in the signal to the heart leads to the signal not being sent properly the next beat (note the heart beats about once per second), which ultimately leads to heart failure and death. One of the only ways doctors have been able to restart the heart after an event like this happens is by way of an external defibrillator. These are machines that work to reverse a heart failure symptom called fibrillation. The external defibrillator “shocks” the heart in a way and works to reset the signal, allowing the heart to continue to beat, assuming the damage to the heart by the blockage or muscle death isn’t too severe.
What you will Get:
- Main Machine
- Adults pads
- Carrying Bag
- Standard Accessories
- Pediatric Pads
- Wall mounted rack
- Ambulance mounted rack

8 years Warranty
Automatic External Defibrillator Machine
Brand: Life-Point
Model: Pro AED
Type: Automatic



How to use automatic external defibrillator?
AED automatic defibrillator’s disposable pads are attached on chest of patient as being naked. Then, it is waited for defibrillator to analyze patient’s cardiac rhythm (ECG) and if AED advices defibrillation (shock), this could be done by pushing “defibrillation” button for semi-automatic defibrillators or by waiting defibrillator to apply it by itself for automatic defibrillators.
- Confirm cardiac arrest. Check to see if the victim is unable to respond and there is no breathing when you open the airway (by tilting back the head and lifting the chin up).
- Turn on the AED.
- Apply pads to the victim’s bare chest as shown.
- If necessary, plug the wire from the pads into the AED (usually next to a flashing light).
- Allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.
- If a shock is indicated by the AED, push the shock button.
- If a shock is recommended (sometimes it is not) make certain everyone “stands clear”, and does not touch the patient.
- If the patient is still not breathing, start CPR. Give 30 chest compressions and then 2 rescue breaths and continue this cycle until the AED gives further instructions or the patient starts breathing.
Who to Use External Defibrillator Works?
AED / automatic external defibrillator is designed to be used by everyone who has first aid knowledge without requiring medical education. In a perfect world, everybody should be trained on AED use (automatic defibrillator) and CPR (cardiac pulmonary resuscitation). Automatic defibrillator directs and assists the used via audible and visual commands. Average ambulance arrival time is approximately 10 – 12 minutes in the world and during such time, every minute passing can be vital. Chance of a person who experienced a sudden cardiac arrest to survive is too low without AED and CPR. Defibrillation is an electrical shock delivered to the heart designed to terminate a life-threatening arrhythmia. The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a device capable of automatically detecting a heart rhythm that requires a shock. The AED will charge itself and prompt the user to deliver a shock to the victim. AEDs analyze the victim’s heart rhythm several times to be certain it is a shockable rhythm. All AEDs are operated in more or less the same way.
Could I hurt patient mistakenly with using Life-Point automatic defibrillator?
Should AED automatic external defibrillator’s audible commands are fulfilled, NO! Automatic defibrillator thanks to its better ECG analysis is designed to apply defibrillator in required cases only.
Could I hurt myself of someone around me with using Life-Point AED defibrillator?
Should AED automatic external defibrillator’s audible commands are fulfilled, NO! As a basic principle, when automatic defibrillator advises shock (defibrillation) application, please make sure before defibrillation that no one is touching to patient and everyone is safe. Point Pro AED automatic defibrillator gives an audible signal when it is safe to touch to patient.
Can I Use Life-Point Pro AED defibrillator for infants or children?
YES! But you need to use pediatric pads for patients between 1+ year and under 8 years.
- 0 – 1 Age group – Defibrillation not-recommended
- 1 – 8 ages group – under 25 Kg patients, with pediatric pads
- 8 and older – over 25 Kg patients, with adult pads
What are the matters you should pay attention if you already have a Life-Point AED (automatic defibrillator) ?
Life-Point automatic defibrillator has periodic self-test function. If there is a malfunction or negative situation determined, then user is warned by means of a red warning sign on the device. Hence, you should always put your Life-Point defibrillator down a place where you can see and access it easily whenever required.
You should have periodic maintenance and calibration done on a regular basis. Please contact with only authorized Life Point service for this purpose.
Please make sure that all disposable pads, accessories and batteries are original. Otherwise, your AED may be out of order and this may cost a human life.
Please update your Life – Point AED defibrillator’s software and keep it available according to new resuscitation instructions at the authorized service.
Which places should have an automatic external defibrillators AED?
· Family Healthcare Centers
· Primary Healthcare Centers
· Patient Transfer Ambulances
· All amateur and professional sports clubs
· Sports Centers
· Schools
· Shopping malls
· Airports and planes
· Hotels
· Governmental Buildings
· Stadiums
· Golf fields
· Worship houses
· Beaches, swimming pools
· Restaurants
· Trains, buses and subway stations
· Rural areas and villages
· Police and fire engines
· Residential Complexes
· Rescue Services
Automated external defibrillator
is a life saving medical device with its light and useful design to apply electrical shock (defibrillation) to patient in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. Automatic defibrillators are designed to be used by everyone who didn’t have medical education but got first aid training.
Automated external defibrillators AED
have advanced ECG analysis software, device analyzes ECG signal and guide the user through audible and visual system. Therefore, user doesn’t need to know heart rhythm.
AED – automatic external defibrillator
is a special-design device for first aiders, being used until emergency paramedics arrive to the scene. Early defibrillation application which is a treatment of sudden cardiac arrest may enable heart beat again to maintain circulation and can save life… In some developed countries, it is compulsory to make automated external defibrillator available and easy to access as placed within excessively crowded areas such as stadiums, shopping malls and airports. Automatic defibrillator for which it would be proper to be used by ACLS certified people under optimum conditions, can also be used by people without any training thanks to its internal directions and audible guidance when required. AEDs are easy to operate units that may be used by the lay person or healthcare personnel who only have basic training. These machines analyze the cardiac rhythm and either instruct the delivery of shocks when required or deliver them automatically. As well as recommending that a shock is needed, the system can advise on the extent of the shock that should be delivered. The drawbacks of this technology are that the AED systems can only be used to treat ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia and not other forms of cardiac arrhythmia. In addition, the machines can take around 10 to 20 seconds to diagnose the rhythm, a gap in time that can be by-passed by a trained healthcare provider using a manual unit. Furthermore, in order to allow the machine time to analyze the cardiac rhythm, chest compressions usually need to be stopped. An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm. If needed, it can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). AEDs are lightweight, battery-operated, portable devices that are easy to use. Each unit comes with instructions, and the device will even give you voice prompts to let you know if and when you should send a shock to the heart. Learning how to use an AED and taking a CPR course are helpful. However, if trained personnel aren’t available, untrained people also can use an AED to help save someone’s life. You often find AEDs in public places, parks and nature reserves, public houses and on walls of buildings. They can be found in shopping centres and other such places which host large numbers of people and crowds. 95 per cent of people who have SCA die from it-most within minutes. Rapid treatment of SCA with an AED can be lifesaving. For every minute a defibrillator is away from a patient, their chances of survival decrease by 7-10 per cent and without a defibrillator the chances of survival are 5-6% with CPR. The use of an AED on a person that has suffered a sudden Cardiac arrest can increase their chance of survival by up-to 40 per cent
Full-automatic external defibrillator
is a type of defibrillator which defines the rhythm and enable shock application automatically, being independent from user when required.
Semi-automatic defibrillator
Semi-automatic external defibrillator ; is a type of defibrillator which defines the rhythm and guide the user through audible or visual system and leave final defibrillation application to user’s hands via a shock button.
What’s importance of early defibrillation?
Defibrillation is a part of basic life support; it is a life saving action to enable normal cardiac operation, ending irregular vibrations on myocardium by giving electric current to heart through defibrillator. Defibrillation applied for 20-30 seconds in VF or VT without pulse, converts almost 100% of them to sinus rhythm. Each one-minute delay reduces chance of success by 10%. In case of a 10-minute delay, chance to survive is close to 0. With every minute from development of cardiac arrest with VF or VT without pulse, mortality increases by 7 / 10%. In case of later start of defibrillation, survival chance of patient decreases; and only one among 250 patients can be saved in average in the event of starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation after first 10 minutes.
What’s the difference between heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest?
Basically, heart attack occurs due to decease and/or permanent damage of a part of cardiac muscle due to insufficient blood flow through this area. Sudden cardiac arrest means that heart beat turns from its normal cardiac rhythm into an abnormal rhythm. In Worldwide, loss of life due to sudden cardiac arrest is higher than total number of losses due to diseases such as breast cancer, AIDS and lung cancer.
Who carries risk of sudden cardiac arrest and what are the reasons?
People from any age, gender or race carry risk of sudden cardiac arrest; however some of them have higher risk than others.
· 40+ years old males
· Menopausal females
· Smokers
· Diabetics
· Lack of exercise
· Stress
· High cholesterol
· Cardiac diseases
Which one is the most common treatment for sudden cardiac arrest?
Simply the only proved cure for victims of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia at the moment of sudden cardiac arrest is “defibrillation”. Defibrillation device is required for defibrillation application. Defibrillation’s Time/Success statistics for turning cardiac rhythm to normal. As you can see in the figure, chance to survive decreases with each minute passing. After 10th minute, chance to survive is close to 0 according to the studies.
What is sudden cardiac arrest?
Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating suddenly for any reason, with or without warning. One reason the heart might stop is the failure of the electrical system in the heart to conduct impulses along the correct path. Random impulses firing all over the heart will cause it to quiver uselessly, not moving blood around the body or producing a pulse.
When the AED shocks the heart it causes the heart to stop momentarily. This pause gives the heart time to reset and allows special cells in the heart to regain control and fire rhythmically, pushing blood.
One thing to remember about AED’s: they only work on two specific heart arrhythmias. Only those two issues will benefit from an AED, and those are what the machine is programmed to recognize. It is perfectly normal for it not to recommend a shock and it will not save every patient in cardiac arrest. Indeed, AED’s often don’t help the patients they shock.
What happens in a cardiac arrest?
You might not think of yourself as having lots of muscles, but there’s one super-powerful muscle in your body you absolutely depend on: the tireless blood pump in your heart. If your heart stops beating properly and blood stops flowing, your brain starts to lose its oxygen supply and you can die within five minutes. That’s why people who suffer cardiac arrest (when their heart stops or goes into a dangerously abnormal rhythm) need emergency medical treatment. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) can help maintain the flow of oxygen to the brain, but getting the heart restarted and working normally often requires defibrillation with an electric shock. in Defibrillator Dubai we supply defibrillator machine & defibrillator aed machine ( Automatic external defibrillator) at the best cost rate
What is Ventricular fibrillation?
Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib or VF) is a condition in which there is uncoordinated contraction of the cardiac muscle of the ventricles in the heart, making them quiver rather than contract properly. Ventricular fibrillation is the most commonly identified arrhythmia in cardiac arrest patients.[1] While there is some activity, the lay person is usually unable to detect it by palpating (feeling) the major pulse points of the carotid and femoral arteries. Such an arrhythmia is only confirmed by electrocardiography. Ventricular fibrillation is a medical emergency EMS that requires prompt Advanced Life Support interventions. If this arrhythmia continues for more than a few seconds, it will likely degenerate further into asystole (“flatline”). This condition results in cardiogenic shock and cessation of effective blood circulation. As a consequence, sudden cardiac death (SCD) will result in a matter of minutes. If the patient is not revived after a sufficient period (within roughly 5 minutes at room temperature), the patient could sustain irreversible brain damage and possibly become brain-dead, due to the effects of cerebral hypoxia. On the other hand, death often occurs if sinus rhythm is not restored within 90 seconds of the onset of VF, especially if it has degenerated further into asystole. Ventricular fibrillation is an abnormally irregular heart rhythm caused by rapid, uncoordinated fluttering contractions of the ventricles – the lower chambers of the heart. These fluttering replace normal contractions. Ventricular fibrillation puts the heartbeat and pulse beat out of synch. The pumping chambers in the ventricles quiver uselessly, instead of pumping blood, resulting in a serious drop in blood pressure, and the cutting off of oxygen-rich blood to body organs. Ventricular fibrillation is a life-threatening medical emergency. It is most commonly linked to heart attacks or scarring of the heart muscle from previous heart attack. A patient with ventricular fibrillation generally collapses within seconds – and it won’t be long before his/her breathing or pulse stops.
What is the difference between ventricular fibrillation and atrial fibrillation?
The human heart has two upper chambers and two lower chambers. The upper chambers are called the left atrium and the right atrium – the plural of atrium is atria. The two lower chambers are the left ventricle and the right ventricle. When the two upper chambers – the atria – contract at an excessively high rate, and in an irregular way, the patient has atrial fibrillation. When the two lower chambers beat irregularly and flutter, the patient has ventricular fibrillation. Put simply – atrial fibrillation refers to the two upper heart chambers while ventricular fibrillation refers to the two lower heart chambers; in either case there abnormally irregular rhythm. Ventricular fibrillation is more serious than atrial fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation frequently results in loss of consciousness and death, because ventricular arrhythmias are more likely to interrupt the pumping of blood, or undermine the heart’s ability to supply the body with oxygen-rich blood. For more information contact defibrillator dubai.


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